You made my boy feel smart, worthwhile, understood, loved, and special! You impacted our lives in such a positive loving way. I can never express to you what a GREAT job you did with my baby!! ❤️❤️
— Heather D.- parent of former student

I just got my daughter’s mid-year report. It was the best one I have ever received! She is meeting her goals! Thank you for all that you have done! You are greatly appreciated!
— Ashley F. .- parent

I wanted to keep a good relationship with the school but knew my son’s rights were being violated. I called Mrs. Decker for advice. We spoke for a great while before she agreed to take my case as a Special Education Advocate. I appreciated the honesty and questions she asked. We agreed on expected outcomes, things that we could negotiate, and things that were non-negotiables. Through Zoom and text we communicated during the meeting. We left feeling that my son was the winner and relationships were preserved.. I’d recommend her to anyone.
— Nikol B. - parent

You are a wonderful blessing, very grateful for your gift and talents to be instrumental in my daughter’s academic growth.
— Cariann T. - parent of former student

We didn’t know Special Education Law or understand the testing data. Mrs. Decker calmly explained the school system processes, what to expect, what the testing numbers meant, and helped us make a plan of action before the IEP meeting. We entered the meeting with her and a plan, and left the meeting feeling like we had a voice in the decisions that were made. We’d use her again as an Educational Advocate and recommend her to anyone. We did all of this through Zoom.
— Jimmy S., parent

AH-MAZ-ING!! Best in the business with a passion and excitement for building kids up and helping them crush their goals!
— Marti B.-parent of former student and former co-worker