Dyslexia Assessment

What are we really dealing with here?

Discover the root of learning struggles.

Call for reasonable pricing according to student needs.

  • What are the concerns?

    Take time to sit with professionals to discuss the unique concerns so everyone understands what is requested. Ask all of your questions about dyslexia, the new state dyslexia laws, or the assessment process.

  • Assess

    Know that the assessment may take up to 4 hours per student. Various assessments will take place so that areas of intelligence and achievement can be analyzed.

    These assessments may be shared with any public or charter school. Know that the public school will take this data under consideration and may want to do additional testing.

  • Data is Explained

    Information is compiled so informal and formal data are reviewed. The information is clearly explained to the client and all questions are answered. A report is provided to the family to share with their educational institution of choice.